Best Fathers Rights Attorney – A Father’s Commitment

When you are searching for the best father’s rights attorney in Oklahoma, it is important to remember that all fathers deserve the same things when it comes to their family. A father s commitment to his family is perhaps more important than anything else in his day-to-day life. This is why I am dedicated to protecting the fathers right to his children as much as I fight to keep custody of my children. As a father’s rights lawyer, I am also committed to fighting for the rights of fathers in family courtrooms everywhere. Because family courtrooms are where fathers have their greatest opportunity to receive fair compensation for their losses and for the time they spend raising their children, it is critical that fathers who are fighting for their custody rights understand their rights and what the courts are considering when deciding on child custody.



Every year, thousands of fathers across the United States battle in family courtrooms over their children’s custody. Sadly, many of these cases end in defeat for the father, but that does not mean that they should give up. There is a very good chance that you can find an attorney who will work to ensure that your custody case gets resolved the way that you and your children deserve. Just because you have lost a previous custody battle does not mean that you have to lose this one.


In most cases, winning the fight for visitation rights or establishing paternity is often impossible. In these cases, hiring the best fathers rights attorney that you can afford may be the only thing that allows you to gain the level of legal representation that you require. If you feel that you are being abused by your spouse, or if you have been the victim of child abuse, your lawyer can help you gain access to the child protective services that are available in your area and help establish the paternity of your child.


Child support payments can be quite exorbitant in some cases, making it almost impossible for a father to meet the payments without assistance. Even if you do have support payments to make, child support lawyers can help you get the court to order changes so that you are actually paying what you are entitled to. Many fathers fail to meet these obligations simply because they do not know that they can legally refuse to pay child support. Once you have established your paternity, however, you can stop paying it to the custodial parent. Your lawyer can help you petition the court to allow you to stop paying child support.


Fathers who have been convicted of a crime, or even misdemeanor drug abuse charges, can be denied their parental rights. This is especially true if the father has served time in jail, or if he has served a substantial amount of time in jail. If you are being denied your parental rights, your lawyer can file paperwork that will let you seek restoration of your parental rights. In some cases, your rights will simply be restored after serving time in jail. The best St. Louis fathers rights attorney can help you get the full restoration of your parental rights.


Fathers who are about to go to jail for non-custodial parents are often denied their children’s custody rights during this process. Your lawyer can file paperwork that will help you get your child support payments back to the custodial parent. Or, he may be able to have the arrears against you reduced or eliminated. If you have child support arrears, your lawyer may even be able to get you to eliminate the penalties and interest charges on your past due payments. These types of remedies are often very helpful to fathers who are about to go to jail.